Uncertainties and risks generate opportunities for higher returns. In order to convert these opportunities into effective returns for its investors, Planner Redwood executes its investment management through differentiated products and strategies (proprietary models) geared to Institutional Investors. It has a qualified team with vast experience that focuses on the specific needs of its investors in accordance with their profiles and individual characteristics.
Exclusive Brokerage Sponsor.
Real Investor is an independent investment management firm, founded in 2008, headquartered in Londrina — in the State of Parana, Brazil — with approximately R$ 3 billion in assets under management. We hold a wide portfolio of investment funds with excellent track records and also have a Multi-Family Office practice. Since our start, the firm adheres to the value investing philosophy, having consistently delivered outstanding returns and compounded our clients’ wealth, with emphasis to our flagship fund, Real Investor FIC FIA BDR Nível I, which, during its 12 years of existence, gained more than 1,500%, and to Real Investor FIM fund, which, in little more than three years, gained more than 360% of the CDI return [a Brazilian benchmark for fixed income returns].