The Associação dos Analistas e Profissionais de Investimento do Mercado de Capitais has as its central objective to stimulate and support any endeavor that will foster Brazilian financial and capital markets. The Associação prepares its investment professionals — investment, credit, and risk analysts, investment fund and investment account managers, economic analysts and strategists — to lead the process of fostering and developing financial and — even more so — capital markets, consolidating their culture with the Brazilian society and promoting the integration and constant improvement in the flow of information among various participants. It also functions as an interface between companies, financial- and capital-market entities, regulatory bodies, executive and legislative branches, the press and investment professionals, participating in diverse discussion forums of different entities, in Brazil and abroad.
The Conselho Regional de Economia – 2ª Região (Corecon-SP) aims to strengthen the activity of economists as a professional class and to ensure their efficient service to the population of the State of Sao Paulo. Currently with 20 thousand registered professionals throughout the State, Corecon-SP is responsible for issuing certificates and maintaining the register of economists, overseeing their professional activities, sanctioning any infractions of professional regulations, and to cooperate with COFECON in its professional value enhancement program. It is also responsible for liaising economists with the civil society generally, on one hand aiming at value enhancement for economists’, particularly with regards to their formal education under a pluralist view of the economic science and, on the other, ensuring that their professional practice is performed responsibly in light of Brazil’s socioeconomic reality.